For students
Come work for us! We can coordinate your working hours to fit your studies or circumstances. You will gain valuable work experience, pleasant colleagues, and additional income to cover your study-related expenses.
PKO is a diversified company. This means that we sell a wide variety of goods and services in many stores, hotels, restaurants, service stations, barbershops and hair salons, and other outlets. Our involvement in various business sectors also creates many opportunities for students. As a student, you can join us to complete the training required by your studies or your thesis or diploma project for your degree that is related to our business needs. We also have a variety of employment opportunities for students, and you do not have to study within our field to work for us. We will take your study schedule into account when setting your working hours. Our HR work aims to ensure that we remain North Karelia's most competent, valued, and sought-after service industry employer. This goal is supported by extensive cooperation with various educational institutions: students carry out more than 1,800 training weeks in our outlets every year.
Follow us on social media
Instagram: @pko_osuuskauppa
Facebook: Pohjois-Karjalan Osuuskauppa (PKO)
LinkedIn: Pohjois-Karjalan Osuuskauppa (PKO)
YouTube: Pohjois-Karjalan Osuuskauppa (PKO)
Summer jobs
Employing young people is a matter close to our hearts, and that is why we offer summer jobs to hundreds of young people every year. Our jobs include:
- salesperson position in stores and at service stations
- waiter and cook positions in restaurants and service stations
- floor attendant, breakfast attendant, lifeguard, and receptionist positions at hotels
- cosmetologist and barber/hairdresser positions in barbershops, hair salons, and beauty salons
- café employee positions in cafés and ice-cream bars
- mobile help desk position at various locations

Primary school trainee
We want to offer young people in our area experiences and a path to working life at an early stage. Young people can learn about the jobs we offer, for example, through TET training.
We offer primary school students, tenth graders, VALMA or TELMA training participants, or upper secondary students an opportunity to apply for the Tienaa ja tutustu (Earn and Learn) training programme for the summer. The length of the training is two weeks.
Vocational degree seekers or students in upper secondary school
Cooperation with vocational institutions is important, and we offer work-based training for students studying to be industry professionals when possible. Thus, it is possible for you to complete your studies through training and apprenticeship agreements.
University students
We work together with universities in our operational area, providing opportunities for on-the-job training, theses and diploma work, and various development projects. Students in higher education can complete on-the-job training at our outlets. You might develop a suitable thesis or diploma work topic during your on-the-job training, but you can also find a topic at the Northern Karelia Cooperative Society even without training.
Training, theses, and diploma work
You can enquire about TET-training, other training positions, and thesis and diploma work assignments directly from PKO’s outlets. You can find contact information for our outlets using the outlet search function.